Discover the unique taste and rustic appearance of Backwoods cigars.
Made with 100% natural tobacco leaves, these handmade cigars come in a variety of flavors. Order now and experience the smooth and satisfying taste of Backwoods
Backwoods cigars are a type of handmade cigar that are known for their distinctive rustic appearance and natural flavor. They are made from 100% natural tobacco leaves, including a wrapper made from an all-natural leaf. The cigars are often sold in packs of 8 and are available in a variety of flavors, including original, honey, grape, sweet aromatic, and more.
The cigars have a rough texture and are slightly sweet, with an earthy aroma. They are favored by many cigar enthusiasts for their unique flavor and aroma, which is described as smooth and satisfying.
Backwoods cigars are often considered a casual, everyday smoke and are popular among those who enjoy outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, and hiking. They are usually enjoyed in a relaxed setting, and are not typically considered a premium cigar.
It’s important to note that smoking cigars, including Backwoods, is not recommended by health authorities as it can have serious health consequences. Additionally, it is illegal to purchase tobacco products if you are under the age of 18 in most countries.
Backwoods | Black 'n Sweet Aromatic, Dark Stout, Honey, Honey Berry, Honey Bourbon, Original, Russian Cream, Sweet Aromatic |
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